A penitential Veneration of the Cross that can be both a personal and communal examination of conscience in preparation for Easter. This will help us be open to receive God’s merciful grace at this time. The Via Matris or Way of the Mother is a reflection on the Seven Sorrows of Mary as she accompanied her Son on his way to the Golgotha, and she remembered his childhood and their life together as family. We are proposing this prayer that reminds us of the traditional Our Lady of Sorrowsprocessions in our villages. The Via Crucis or Way of the Cross is a reflection on Jesus’ Passion, way to Calvary and Crucifixion. It recalls traditional pilgrimages to the Holy Land.The Seven Moments with the Lord. This year we cannot do the traditional Seven Churches Visitations of the Holy Sepulchre on Maundy Thursday. Instead, we are offering a contemplative experience to reflect on Seven Teachings that Jesus gave to his disciples on his last night after he washed their feet.The Via Lucis. After the darkness that came over the land with the Lamb’s sacrifice, a new cosmic Light starts to glow.The Church receives this Light of the resurrection like mildew that gently waters the earth… with a gentle rhythm… so eyes that were used to blinders and darkness—like our own eyes—can adjust gradually to the glory of Light that is God himself.